Friday, June 13, 2008

Bye Mr. Cool Truck

Well, I finally had to turn my truck in. It's a few weeks early, but there is no reason to pay insurance on 3 cars. It was a good truck, I am going to miss it as I am now driving Meg's old Accord. Time to see how long I can go without a car payment. I have had one since I got off my mission.
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meg said...

It's a sad day in the cool truck world. She's been a good truck, well, except for that time she made us replace her wheel hub in the middle of nowhere...but, we'll all miss her! Sniff, sniff!

Sara said...

Too bad, so sad... and all for a mini-van... sigh!

Have you seen that commercial with all the Dads at the Gym? THe loud speaker announces that there's a mini-van in the parking lot with it's lights on and suddenly no one wants to make eye contact... let alone fess up to being the owner! so Funny!